Business Member Since:  2023

Located:  Emigrant, MT

Industry: Antler Crafts & Dog Chews


Instagram: @publicland_pup

Facebook: @BellasBonesElkAntlerChews



At Bella's Bones, we make items that feature elk and deer antlers and pronghorn antelope sheaths. Shed hunting with our pups provides most of our raw materials. It's pretty incredible the opportunity exists to go hiking with your dogs, see some beautiful country, get some exercise, maybe see some amazing critters, hopefully find an antler or two, then stir in some creative juices mixed with a bit of time and effort and create a little business.

Bella's Bones would not, and could not, exist without that opportunity. And that opportunity would not exist without the conservation movement. Healthy elk, deer, and antelope populations; quality habitat to support those populations; and public lands are all products of the foresight and effort of conservationists.

And boots-on-the-ground conservation is fun. Telling stories around the campfire after pulling fence all day? Fun. Backpacking to the top of a mountain to count Mountain Goats? More fun. Working on a fence replacement and watching a moose calf struggling with the old fence until it found a section of the new fence that it could easily navigate? It really doesn't get much cooler than that.

When your business is built on a foundation of conservation, and you love getting out and about, 2% is a bargain and a no-brainer.


  • Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance

  • Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation