Business Member Since: 2023

Located: Ludington, MI

Industry: Lifestyle Brand

Website: localoutdoorsbrand.com

Instagram: @localoutdoorsbrand

Facebook: @localoutdoorsbrand

Snapchat: @localoutdoors

Tick Tock: @localoutdoorsbrand



Local Outdoors is built on the premise of giving back.

Founded in 2018 as Shot Local, a way to celebrate the common
thread shared by all hunters—we all started local.  With the support of friends, Local Outdoors was born as a way to promote and protect all outdoor pursuits. We are all in this together, fighting to protect the wild spaces we fell in love with.

One challenge facing future generations of sportspeople is with fewer people participating in hunting and fishing, the local roots that bind us all together are in danger of being closed.

While there are many tremendous conservation organizations working to protect access and provide habitat, the founders worried about the wild spaces that are underserved or overlooked.

Dan, Willie, and Sebastian are all avid outdoorsmen, dedicated
to preserving and promoting the outdoors to ensure that our kids and grandkids have the same opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors the same way we did, Local.


  • Tennessee Wildlife Federation

  • Ducks Unlimited