Recertification Policy
Our Annual Recertification Policy
All Fish & Wildlife Volunteers business members are required to complete annual recertification forms when notified by Fish & Wildlife Volunteers that their recertification information is due.
Upon notification, the annual recertification form must be completed within 60 calendar days.
After 60 days, any business that has not completed their recertification form will be removed from the Fish & Wildlife Volunteers website, must cease their use of any Fish & Wildlife Volunteers branding immediately, and will be invoiced for the dues bracket from the prior year.
If a business has been a member of Fish & Wildlife Volunteers for less than or up to one year has not completed their recertification form within 60 days, they will be invoiced for the dues bracket of the gross sales they listed on their application.
If a business chooses to cease their membership with Fish & Wildlife Volunteers, the dues for that preceding year are still required.
Dues Payment Policy
Business member dues payment is required within 30 days of signing on as a business member, and every year at the time of membership renewal.
Business Members of Fish & Wildlife Volunteers have 30 Days to pay any outstanding invoice, unless otherwise explicitly stated in the terms of the invoice.
If an outstanding invoice is unpaid after the 30 Day notice, a 5% late fee will be applied.
An additional 5% late fee will be added to any outstanding invoice every 30 days until paid.
Best practice discounts will not be removed for late payments, but will be reduced by the addition of late fees.
If an invoice remains unpaid for 90 Days past the due date (120 Days after invoicing) legal action may be taken by Fish & Wildlife Volunteers to collect the dues and late fees debt.
Fish & Wildlife Volunteers is a program of 2% for Conservation, a registered tax-exempt non-profit organization (tax ID: 47-1631252) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All policies maintained by the Fish & Wildlife Volunteers program of 2% for Conservation will be enforced by 2% for Conservation with equal authority.