River City Tile & Stone
Business Member Since: 2020
Located: Chanhassen, MN
Industry: Construction
Website: rivercitymn.com
Facebook: River City Tile & Stone Facebook
Instagram: River City Tile & Stone Instagram
Business Member Bio:
“My family has a very long and rich history in the outdoors dating back generations. As a boy, my dad (who was active with Muskie’s Inc. and Ducks Unlimited) instilled in me a great passion and drive for not only enjoying the outdoors, but also being conscious of the need for conservation of the lands and waters we use. “ - Mike Schmillen, Owner
Mike Schmillen has also been a volunteer 2% Committee Member representing the 2% Standard in his community since 2019. He is available to connect other businesses with the conservation causes he supports where he lives near the Twin Cities in Minnesota! You can connect with him directly to partner in giving back to conservation via our Committee Directory page.
That passion and drive continues with our business, making a partnership with 2% for Conservation a natural fit. Certification with 2% for Conservation only enhances our legitimacy when promoting conservation minded practices within our industry and in all of our personal lives in the community as well.
Conservation Groups Supported:
The Wild Sheep Foundation
Ducks Unlimited
Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership