Business Member Since: 2024
Located: Paso Robles, CA
Industry: Outdoor Gear Retailer
Facebook: Sheeps Head Outfitters
Instagram: @sheepsheadoutfitters
Business Member Bio:
Sheep's Head Outfitters is deeply rooted in conservation. Growing up between the pacific ocean and the sierra nevadas, owner Tim Brehmer has had a passion for the outdoors his entire life. Being able to cut his teeth in public lands across the west he has seen first hand the impact that conservation can have on animals, land and the people that love to enjoy those things.
Tim has served on the state boards and supported organizations like Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Nevada Bighorns Unlimited, and National Wild Turkey Federation and more. His conservation interests have taken him to Africa to experience a different perspective and models than that of North America.
Sheep's Head relies heavily on building community through events and education to support both local and national conservation efforts. Without community and education in conservation the things we love so dearly will not be around for our kids and their kids to enjoy. Sheep's Head Outfitters will do all they can to keep fighting the good fight of conservation.
Conservation groups supported:
Nevada Bighorns Unlimited
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Coastal Conservation Association - California Chapter
The Wild Sheep Foundation