Business Member Since: 2016
Located: Bozeman, MT
Industry: Outdoor Gear
Facebook: @Stone Glacier
Instagram: @stoneglacier
YouTube: @stoneglacier
Stone Glacier is the result of 15 years of solo sheep hunts from the Dall country of Alaska to the unlimited districts of Montana’s Beartooth Wilderness. Minimizing pack and gear weight increases usable load, which in turn extends your range in the backcountry. The goal is straightforward: Build the lightest, most durable gear using only the toughest technical materials available. After hundreds of miles of testing on the trail and years of research and design, this goal has been accomplished.
Conservation is everything for hunters. It should be a critical priority for everyone, but it’s of particular importance to the hunter. We’re able to do what we do, both as a company and as hunters, because generations before us worked to protect wild places and wildlife. Stone Glacier is committed to conservation because it protects our hunting heritage, but it is also just the right thing to do.
Having fun is core to Stone Glacier’s culture. We take hunting very seriously, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously. The SG Headquarters is home to a lot of hard work, but there are always shenanigans going down here. Our people are the most important part of our company, and keeping a culture of dedicated hunters who also know how to have fun is central to who we are.
Stone Glacier hosts several conservation volunteer training, fundraising, and coordination BBQ’s at their Bozeman, MT headquarters, every year.
Dallas Safari Club
Wild Sheep Foundation
Safari Club International Foundation
Wild Sheep Society of British Columbia
Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance
Pope & Young
Boone & Crocket
Montana Wild Sheep Foundation
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Stone Glacier also has a non-profit donation and discount program to help pro-hunting and fishing non-profits with conservation fundraising campaigns.